National Geographic: Gardens of the World 2023 Wall Calendar
Known for their coverage of nature, travel, and science—and the world’s finest photographers who document it—Universe is proud to partner with National Geographic and to share their incomparable photo archives…
Sedges: Cyperus to Scleria
This second edition of Sedges: Cyperus to Scleria brings up to date the identification of species of sedges in Illinois (except Carex) since publication of the first edition in 1976….
The Flowering Plants: Flowering Rush to Rushes
The second edition of Flowering Plants: Flowering Rush to Rushes offers new material, including a preface, seventeen new illustrations of the additional species now known from Illinois, a revised list…
Vascular Flora of Illinois
The first flora of Illinois was prepared in 1846 by Dr. Samuel B. Mead, a physician from Augusta, Illinois. Between 1846 and 1963, several people published plant lists and…
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