The End of the Church
Theology (U.K.) “A charitable and scholarly book.”Pro Ecclesia “The closest thing to The End of the Church in the modern theological canon is the second, revolution-making edition of Barth’s Epistle to the Romans….
The Feeling of Forgetting
A provocative examination of how religious practices of forgetting drive white Christian nationalism. The dual traumas of colonialism and slavery are still felt by Native Americans and African…
The Feeling of Forgetting
A provocative examination of how religious practices of forgetting drive white Christian nationalism. The dual traumas of colonialism and slavery are still felt by Native Americans and African…
The First Theologians
This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.The First Theologians represents an important contribution to the scholarly investigation of the nature and function of early Christian prophecy. This…
The Genesis of Doctrine
What is doctrine? How can a doctrinal statement made in the past have any authority in the modern period? How should doctrinal statements be evaluated and criticized? These questions are…
The Heresy of Formlessness
Sure to be the subject of much discussion, this book takes a look at the post Vatican II approach to liturgy through the eyes of a man who says the…
The Life and Thought of Kanzo Uchimura, 1861-1930
While staying in the United States in 1884 at the age of 23, Kanzo Uchimura (1861-1930) felt a sense of religious calling that led him to devote the rest of…
The Power of Mammon
In The Power of Mammon, Curtis D. Johnson describes how the market economy and market-related forces, such as the media, politics, individualism, and consumerism, radically changed the nature of Baptist…
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