Agrarian Revolt in the Sierra of Chihuahua, 1959–1965
The early 1960s are remembered for the emergence of new radical movements influenced by the Cuban Revolution. One such protest movement rose in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. With large…
Bolsonarismo: The Global Origins and Future of Brazil’s Far Right documents the rise of the far-right alliance that emerged in Brazil in 2020 around the figure of former president Jair Bolsonaro….
Conexión Caracas-Moncloa: Plus Ultra y Delcygate: las oscuras relaciones del Gob ierno de Pedro Sánchez con el Chavismo Venezolano / Caracas- Connection
Conexión Caracas-Moncloa es un libro trepidante que nos abre las puertas a las intrigas de las más altas esferas del poder, exponiendo una política de componendas, traiciones y mentiras.¿Qué relaciones…
Fighting Monsters in the Abyss
Studies the complex constraints and trade-offs the second administration of Colombian President Uribe (2006–2010) encountered as it attempted to resolve that nation’s violent Marxist insurrection and to have a more…
In the Shadow of Tungurahua
In the Shadow of Tungurahua relates the stories of the people of Penipe, Ecuador living in and between several villages around the volcano Tungurahua and two resettlement communities built for…
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