Violent Victors
Why populations brutalized in war elect their tormentorsOne of the great puzzles of electoral politics is how parties that commit mass atrocities in war often win the support of victimized…
Violent Victors
Why populations brutalized in war elect their tormentorsOne of the great puzzles of electoral politics is how parties that commit mass atrocities in war often win the support of victimized…
Violent Victors
Why populations brutalized in war elect their tormentorsOne of the great puzzles of electoral politics is how parties that commit mass atrocities in war often win the support of victimized…
Violent Victors
Why populations brutalized in war elect their tormentorsOne of the great puzzles of electoral politics is how parties that commit mass atrocities in war often win the support of victimized…
Watergate Burglars
Fifty years after Watergate, researcher Shane O’Sullivan reveals the true story of the break-in in this chilling tale of political espionage and deception.The victory of Richard Nixon in the US…
Canadians often see politicians as little more than trained seals who vote on command and repeat robotic talking points. Politicians are torn by dilemmas of loyalty to party versus loyalty…
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