‘Look Back to Look Forward’
Although Frank O’Connor is known primarily, and rightly, as one of the most accomplished short-story writers in English, he was also an accomplished translator. In the long line of Irish writers given to…
As If To Sing
The power of song, to sustain the human spirit, resonates through As if to Sing. Poems about family, the poet’s relationship with his sons, the Ceredigion coast-line, this collection is…
“Alexander’s translation is marked by a conviction that it is possible to be both ambitious and faithful [and] …communicates the poem with a care which goes beyond fidelity-to-meaning and reaches…
La tierra baldía (edición especial del centenario) / The Waste Land (100 Anniver sary Edition)
El mayor poema del siglo XX.Además de ser el gran poema del siglo XX, La tierra baldía es una obra esencial para entender nuestro tiempo. Con una dicción y unas…
Lyrical Ballads
Lyrical Ballads (1798) is a landmark collection of poems that marks the beginning of the English Romantic Movement in literature. Co-written by friends William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the…
Lyrical Ballads
Lyrical Ballads (1798) is a landmark collection of poems that marks the beginning of the English Romantic Movement in literature. Co-written by friends William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the…
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