Architecture and Development
In Architecture and Development Ayala Levin charts the settler colonial imagination and practices that undergirded Israeli architectural development aid in Africa. Focusing on the “golden age” of Israel’s diplomatic relations…
Architecture and Development
In Architecture and Development Ayala Levin charts the settler colonial imagination and practices that undergirded Israeli architectural development aid in Africa. Focusing on the “golden age” of Israel’s diplomatic relations…
Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine
“An extremely convincing and persuasive argument that the only conceivable future for justice and peace necessitates a process of decolonization and equal rights for all.”—Electronic Intifada For decades…
Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine
‘Extremely convincing’ – Electronic Intifada For decades we have spoken of the ‘Israel-Palestine conflict’, but what if our understanding of the issue has been wrong all along? This book explores…
Documentary Cinema in Israel-Palestine
Alongside the upsurge in violence that came with the downfall of the Oslo era in the early 2000s, a new wave of documentaries emerged that centered on Palestinians’ and Mizrahim’s…
Documentary Cinema in Israel-Palestine
Alongside the upsurge in violence that came with the downfall of the Oslo era in the early 2000s, a new wave of documentaries emerged that centered on Palestinians’ and Mizrahim’s…
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