The God behind the Marble
A history of Germans’ attempts to transform society through art in an age of revolution. For German philosophers at the turn of the nineteenth century, beautiful works of art…
The Harlequin Eaters
How representations of the preparation, sale, and consumption of leftovers in nineteenth-century urban France link socioeconomic and aesthetic history The concept of the “harlequin” refers to the practice…
The Waxing of the Middle Ages
Johan Huizinga’s much-loved and much-contested Autumn of the Middle Ages, first published in 1919, encouraged an image of the Late French Middle Ages as a flamboyant but empty period of…
Visualizing Guadalupe
The Virgin of Guadalupe is famously migratory, traversing continents and crossing and recrossing oceans. Guadalupe’s earliest cult originated in medieval Iberia, where Our Lady of Guadalupe from Extremadura, Spain, played…
Watteau at Work
Marking the three hundredth anniversary of Jean Antoine Watteau’s death, this publication takes a close, revealing look at his recently rediscovered painting La Surprise. The painting La Surprise…
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