You Do Have the Authority Here!

You Do Have the Authority Here!


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What would lockdown internet sensation Britney Spears aka Jackie Weaver do? Are you tired of being patronised, talked over and told to READ THE STANDING ORDERS? (Perhaps not that last one.)
For every woman who has endured that I-know-what's-best-for-you tone, this is the book for you. The feminist political icon we didn't know we needed, the indomitable Jackie Weaver shares her own standing orders for life:
· Zoom etiquette (don't be another Julie's iPad)
· Asserting yourself in the workplace
· Making change in your local community
· Dealing with tiresome men who go on and on (and on)
No-nonsense, witty and incisive, Jackie Weaver will show you that you do have the authority here. This is an essential handbook for getting things done without fuss, keeping cool in the face of adversity and pressing mute on the noise. Jackie Weaver is Chief Officer of the Cheshire Association of Local Councils. In December 2020 she acted as facilitator at a meeting of the Handforth Parish Council. Since a recording of the meeting went viral in February 2021, Jackie has found herself catapulted to fame – she has been immortalised in sponge cake, had her face and catchphrases printed on Tshirts
and fridge magnets and cut her first dance track. Jackie recently launched chart-topping podcast, Jackie Weaver Has the Authority, in which she has hosted a wide range of guests including Jack Whitehall, Anton du Beke and Jeremy Vine.

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