The Law Above The Law

The Law Above The Law book cover

The Law Above The Law


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We are well on the way to the fulfillment of this prophetic statement. When the level of public virtue falls, our interpretation of justice tends to modify downward. If, therefore, our only criterion for judging ethical action is the current collective conscience, we have no valid standard whatever, since that conscience is constantly being altered. Result: Our legal system is fast becoming the tool of public opinion. Is there an alternative? Montgomery insists that modern men must begin once again to judge their behavior on the basis of God's revelation of right and wrong. In this little book he argues his case briefiy but brilliantly, and conveys a sense of certainty that is both challenging and refreshing.

Montgomery insists that modern men must begin once again to judge their behavior on the basis of God's revelation of right and wrong. In this little book he argues his case briefiy but brilliantly, and conveys a sense of certainty that is both challenging and refreshing.
To use C. S. Lewis's words, John Warwick Montgomery was brought over the threshold of Christian faith "kicking and struggling."

The year was 1949. The place, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Herman John Eckelmann, a persistent engineering student succeeded in goading Montgomery into religious discussions. Montgomery, a philosophy major disinterested in religion, found himself forced to consider seriously the claims of Jesus Christ in the New Testament in order to preserve his intellectual integrity. After no mean struggle he acknowledged his rebellion against God, asking His forgiveness.

Today, he is considered by many to be the foremost living apologist for biblical Christianity.

A renaissance scholar with a flair for controversy, he lives in France, England and the United States. His international activities have brought him into personal contact with some of the most exciting events of our time: not only was he in China In June 1989, but he was In Fiji during its 1987 bloodless revolution, was involved in assisting East Germans to escape during the time of the Berlin Wall, and was in Paris during the 'days of May' 1968.

He is an ordained Lutheran clergyman, an English barrister, and is admitted to practise as a lawyer before the Supreme Court of the United States and inscrit au Barreau de Paris, France. He obtained acquittals for the 'Athens 3' missionaries on charges of proselytism at the Greek Court of Appeals in 1986 and won the leading religious liberty cases of Larissis v. Greece and Bessarabian Orthodox Church v. Moldova before the European Court of Human Rights.

Dr. Montgomery is the author of more than fifty books in five languages. He holds ten earned degrees, Including a Master of Philosophy in Law from the University of Essex, England, a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, and a Doctorate of the University in Protestant Theology from the University of Strasbourg, France, and the higher doctorate in law (LL.D.) from the University of Cardiff, Wales.

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Dimensions 0.5 × 5 × 8 in







REL082000, REL067070