The Christ Key

The Christ Key book cover

The Christ Key


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Reading the Old Testament can seem like exploring an old, mysterious mansion, packed with of all sorts of strange rooms. The creation room, vast and sublime. The exodus room, with hardhearted pharaohs and dried-up seas. The war room, with bloody swords and crumbling walls. The tabernacle room, with smoking altars and dark inner sanctums. What does this odd and ancient world have to do with us, who are modern followers of Jesus? As it turns out, everything! Every chapter in the Old Testament, in a variety of ways, tells the story that culminates in Jesus the Messiah.
What Christians today call the Old Testament is what Jesus and the earliest believers simply called the Scriptures. That was their Bible. From its pages, they taught about the Messiah’s divine nature, his priestly work, his ministry of salvation. The Christ Key will reintroduce readers to these old books as ever-fresh, ever-new testimonies of Jesus. By the end, you will see even Leviticus as a book of grace and mercy, and you will hear in the Psalms the resounding voice of Christ. 

Every room in the Old Testament, from the lavish chamber of Eden to the sacred cubicle of the Holy of Holies, is opened by a single key. That key is the Messiah, the fulness and fulfillment of God’s word. These chapters will travel deep into the Old Testament world to reveal how creation, the exodus, the temple, the psalms, and much more bear witness to Christ and his work. By the end, the reader will want to write at the top of every page of the Old Testament: This is about the Messiah.Chad Bird is a Scholar in Residence at 1517. He holds master’s degrees from Concordia Theological Seminary and Hebrew Union College. He has served as a pastor, professor, and guest lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew. Chad has authored several books, speaks regularly at conferences and congregations, and cohosts the popular podcast, “40 Minutes in the Old Testament.” Chad and his wife Stacy make their home in Texas, where they have been blessed with four children and three grandchildren.

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Dimensions 0.63 × 6 × 9 in







REL006060, REL006120, christ in the old testament, bible old testament, Old Testament Bible Study, jesus christ, bible commentary, How to read the Bible