Spiritual Egypt

Spiritual Egypt


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Spiritual Egypt
Fight back with these easy to use lessons. Regain you peace, joy, prosperity, health and reimbursements for then losses in life.
Don’ t let fear run your life no matter what issue you’re facing, for these powerful lessons will give you the tools you need to confront the enemy in any situation.
Expose the works of darkness to the light of Jesus’ Glory, then you will see the real victory. Spiritual Egypt
Scripture has established victory for us through Jesus over the powers of the enemy.
Deliverance will give you rest after the warfare .
Through spiritual warfare you will gain endurance, strategies, and even training that will help you live life abundantly. Chastine Rock is the founder of Faith Christian Center Church in Fredericksburg, Virginia. He studied Theology at Zoe University in Jacksonville Florida. In 2011 he received a Doctor of Divinity. As the visionary of Faith Christian Center, he teaches, preaches, provides leadership development and prophetic oversight to the Ministry. He has traveled the world and boldly proclaimed the Gospel for over 30 years with life changing results.
He is married to Ella Rock and they are blessed with 2 children, a son and daughter n law, 8 grandchildren and host of Spiritual Sons and daughters.

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Dimensions 1 × 6 × 9 in