Somos adoptados

Somos adoptados


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(back cover)
Somos adoptados

Esta es la historia de una ni±a que est¡ muy emocionada porque va a tener un hermanito–¡un hermanito adoptado! Pocos a±os atr¡s, esta ni±a tambi©n hab­a sido adoptada.

Esta historia presenta a los ni±os el concepto de la adopci³n, les reafirma el amor que comparten con sus padres adoptivos y recuerda a todos que hablar de adopci³n no tiene por qu© ser dif­cil. Here is a book for younger children who live in households where the first language is Spanish. A little girl is very excited because now she has a baby brother–an adopted baby brother. A few years earlier, she too had been adopted. Like the children in this story, adopted kids learn that their adoptive parents wanted them very much, and love them very dearly. As preschool and early-grades children read these illustrated ¿Qu© sabes acerca de…? (What Do You Know About? Books) or have them read to them, they will be encouraged to explore their own feelings about problems that might be bothering them, or to find answers to a wide array of questions that puzzle them. The books have appealing color illustrations on every page, and each title features a short section of advice to parents. What Do You Know About? Books are available in both English and Spanish language editions.

Additional information

Weight 7 oz
Dimensions 1 × 10 × 10 in