I. Introduction 1. Who Are People with Psychiatric Disabilities? 2. Stigma and Mental Illness 3. Definition of Psychiatric Rehabilitation II. Service Approaches 4. Rehabilitation Assessment5. Illness Self-Management 6. Case Management7. Medications and Psychiatric Rehabilitation 8. Housing 9. Employment and Education 10. Social Functioning 11. Family Interventions12. Psychosis and Cognitive Impairment 13. Managing Criminal Justice InvolvementIII. Special Populations and Problems 14. Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 15. Dual Diagnosis 16. Physical Health and Medical Care 17. Peer Services and Supports18. Managing Aggressive Behavior IV. System Considerations19. Erasing Stigma and Promoting Empowerment 20. Cultural Competence in Psychiatric Rehabilitation 21. Policy
Students, clinicians, and researchers in clinical psychology, psychiatry, social work, nursing, occupational therapy, and related fields. Serves as a primary text in graduate-level courses on psychiatric rehabilitation, severe mental illness, and community mental health.
“The authors of this remarkable textbook are undisputed leaders in the field of psychiatric rehabilitation. They have made important contributions to the literature on a wide variety of rehabilitative interventions….The five authors of this book have pooled and coalesced their expertise and experience into a user-friendly, well-integrated, and scholarly text that holds together as though it was written by a single person. This encyclopedia of validated best practices should be a sturdy and ready reference on the shelf of all practitioners who work with the severely mentally ill….As in the very best textbooks, the authors provide exhaustive documentation of the growing research base supporting the empirical validation of rehabilitative services….Case examples are sprinkled throughout the text to illustrate the techniques being described. To the great credit of the authors, these vignettes highlight the key role of the therapist-patient relationship as the prime mediator of the effectiveness of rehabilitation….A splendid volume.”
“Individuals involved in clinical practice, administration, and research are likely to find the book quite helpful, especially given its strong empirical basis….The authors have done an excellent job of incorporating the research on psychiatric rehabilitation into a text that will be extremely useful to a wide audience. Clinicians and program managers will find the book to be quite practical….The reference list is extensive and can be quite helpful to readers seeking further information on a specific aspect of rehabilitation….The book is easily understandable. ‘Personal Examples’ interspersed throughout the book help to further contextualize and solidify some of the issues discussed….An excellent resource for practice and research issues related to the psychiatric rehabilitation system. A highly experienced and knowledgeable group of authors have nicely assembled the widespread and growing literature on the issue to make this a very practical guide for those in the field.”
“It would be difficult to overstate the relevance and utility of this book for the fields of psychiatry, psychology, social work, rehabilitation, occupational and recreational therapy, and nursing. A masterwork by a stellar team of master scientist-practitioners who are some of the foremost leaders in psychiatric rehabilitation, the volume brings together the state of the art as it currently stands in these various fields as it relates to individuals with serious mental illnesses or, perhaps more accurately stated for the purpose of this review, ‘psychiatric disabilities.’ The book covers such a broad range of topics and approaches, from policy, legislative, and funding issues to stigma and cultural diversity to cognitive-behavioral interventions and medication, that the reader is left only wishing that the authors might have given it a different title….This book by Corrigan and colleagues provides an unparalleled introduction to and review of the field of psychiatric rehabilitation as it exists now and as it will exist for the foreseeable future.”
“This is an exceptionally good book, and one of the few that can genuinely be recommended to all psychiatric trainees and every library. The authors have pooled their considerable knowledge and experience to produce a cautious and comprehensive review of how best to work with ‘consumers’ with ‘psychiatric disabilities’ which stays comfortably close to the practical realities of everyday practice….Lucidly written and carefully designed to enhance its readability and usefulness. Propositions, definitions, and models are all clearly described, the evidence in support of each is critically evaluated, and reviews are helpfully punctuated by succinct summaries and conclusions, including the limitations of the evidence itself….This is probably the best account of the evidence base for contemporary rehabilitation practice to date and a commendable starting place for further study or research.”
“This volume is a timely and valuable piece of work for all stakeholders concerned with treatment and services for people with serious mental illness. It marks a turning point in the professional literature by infusing hope into the careful and comprehensive information presented about diagnoses, symptoms, and impairments that can lead to disability, while describing service approaches and the evidence to support them….Several of the volume’s authors have been directly involved in the generation of evidence-based practices for people with the most severe mental illnesses. The authors’ understanding of the voluminous research literature on services for people with mental illness is commendable….Intended for students of psychiatric rehabilitation, practitioners already in the field, and people who themselves have psychiatric disabilities….Families, employers, and, most certainly, policy makers will also find it to be an excellent resource. Chapters are clearly labeled and refreshingly jargon free. The vignettes interspersed throughout enliven the readings and present accurate windows into real-life situations….Experienced workers in the mental health field will appreciate the outlook provided by this book. It stands in marked contrast to the meager expectations of the past….If widely adopted as a college textbook, this work could reshape curricula for students planning careers in human services. The sections of the book on peer services are well balanced and appropriately positive, consistent with the evidence on peer-supported outcomes.”
“This impressive volume, written by five leaders in the field of psychiatric rehabilitation in the US, offers a remarkable amount of good evidence, historical overview, personal accounts, and practical advice. The layout is clear and logical, the language precise. It is enjoyable and easy to read….It provides a wealth of teaching and discussion material for multidisciplinary teams.”