Los elegidos Te he llamado por tu nombre
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Este libro se basa en la aclamada serie de videos The Chosen [Los elegidos], la historia más asombrosa jamás contada: la vida de Jesús. Obtenga una narrativa nueva y fresca del autor de éxitos de ventas del New York Times, Jerry B. Jenkins.
¿Cómo habría sido encontrarse con Jesús cara a cara? ¿Cómo le habría hecho sentir, o cambiado su forma de pensar sobre Dios? ¿Habría puesto su mundo al revés? Viaje a Galilea en el primer siglo. Sea testigo de la diferencia que Él marcó en las vidas de aquellos a quienes llamó a seguirlo, y cómo fueron transformados para siempre. Experimente la vida y el poder del unigénito Hijo de Dios como nunca antes, a través de los ojos de personas comunes.
* La novelización oficial y única de la popular serie de televisión, ampliamente vista en todos los países del mundo, con más de 55 millones de visitas.
* La más reciente ficción de Jerry Jenkins, quizás el novelista cristiano más vendido de los últimos tiempos.
* Tapa blanda en mate con áreas brillosas y suave al tacto
Any author who has written and sold as many books as Jerry Jenkins might be forgiven a tendency to lean on familiar structure while producing yet another manuscript. Fortunately, Jenkins is not just “any author.” While the broad storyline of Jesus choosing his disciples will be familiar to some, it is the author’s deft handling of the historical language and customs of the time that give his newest release a vibrancy rarely felt by readers of any novel. The Chosen: I Have Called You by Name has been crafted with wise and insightful context. This is the book Jerry Jenkins was born to write. —Andy Andrews, New York Times bestselling author of The Traveler’s Gift, The Noticer, and Just Jones
The only thing better than the film is the book, and the only thing better than the book is the film. Jerry B. Jenkins has taken the brilliant project of Dallas Jenkins—this look into the lives of those Jesus chose to be his followers, his friends, and his “family”—and gone a step (or more) deeper. Readers will be drawn as quickly into the pages as viewers were into the theatrical moments of The Chosen film project. I cannot say enough about both. —Eva Marie Everson, president, Word Weavers International, and bestselling author
The movie series brought me to tears, but Jerry’s book showed me the Jesus I wanted to know. The Chosen: I Have Called You by Name draws the reader into the humanity of Jesus. This story captures authentic insight into his personality. His love, humor, wisdom, and compassion are revealed for every person he encountered. Through Jesus’ interaction with the real-life characters, I too experienced the Savior who calls the lost, poor, needy, and forsaken into an authentic relationship. —DiAnn Mills, Christy Award winner and director, Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference
Jerry Jenkins is a master storyteller who has captured the action, drama, and emotion of The Chosen video series in written form. Far more than a mere synopsis of season 1, Jerry has shaped and developed the first eight episodes into a fast-paced novel. If you enjoyed the videos, you will savor the story again as Jerry brings each character to life. And if you haven’t watched the video series, this novel will make you want to start … just as soon as you’ve finished reading the book, of course! —Dr. Charlie Dyer, professor-at-large of Bible, host of The Land and the Book radio program
Writing with accuracy and immediacy, Jerry Jenkins immerses us in the greatest story ever told in a fresh and powerful way. Jenkins is a master of taking profound scenes and themes from the Bible and weaving them into captivating journeys, whether they are centered on the time of Jesus or the end times. The Chosen: I Have Called You by Name expands on the amazing TV series and will move readers through its unique retelling of the gospel story. —Travis Thrasher, bestselling author and publishing industry veteran
To a girl who cut her teeth on Bible stories, it’s no easy task to transform all-too-familiar characters into an experience that is fresh and alive. That is precisely what Jerry Jenkins has done with his newest novel, The Chosen: I Have Called You by Name. From the first chapter, I was enamored. And by the second and third, I started to see the Jesus I’ve long loved with new eyes and a more open heart. This book offers the reader more than mere diversion. It offers the possibility of true transformation. —Michele Cushatt, author of Relentless: The Unshakeable Presence of a God Who Never Leaves
What better way to bring the gospel to life than to explore the impact Jesus had upon those with whom he came into contact. And what better encouragement for those of us today who hunger for his life-changing presence. I heartily recommend both the video and the book for any who long to experience his transforming love more deeply. —Bill Myers, author of the bestselling novel Eli
The story of Jesus has been told and re-told, but with this beautiful novelization, Jerry Jenkins brings unique and compelling perspectives to the biblical accounts of Jesus and his followers, echoing those in the acclaimed The Chosen video series created by Dallas Jenkins. As someone who always thinks the book was better than the movie, I was delighted to discover a book and film series that are equally enthralling and even life-changing. —Deborah Raney, author of A Nest of Sparrows and A Vow to Cherish
JERRY B. JENKINS ha escrito casi 200 libros, incluidos 21 éxitos de ventas del New York Times con ventas totales de más de 71 millones de ejemplares. Es conocido por la ficción bíblica, la ficción del fin de los tiempos (la serie Dejados atrás) y muchos otros géneros. También ayudó a Billy Graham con sus memorias, y ha escrito numerosas biografías de deportistas. Vive con su esposa, Dianna, en Colorado Springs, Colorado. Tienen tres hijos adultos, uno de los cuales, Dallas, es el creador, coautor y director de la serie de televisión The Chosen.
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Dimensions | 1 × 6 × 9 in |