Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru


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Jawarharlal Nehru played a crucial part in shaping Indian nationalism and in the creation of modern India. His life encompassed the high-noon of the British Raj, but also its collapse and the creation of a Commonwealth of independent states. As India’s first prime minister he grappled with daunting internal problems, yet gave his country a clear identity in international affairs. One of the ironies of his career was that the dedicated democrat and social reformer was also the founder of a great, and sometimes autocratic, political dynasty.


1. The Silver Spoon: Origins, 1889-1912

2. Apprentice Congressman, 1912-1921

3. Socialist, Satyahrahi and Internationalist: the 1920s

4. The 1930s

5. The Second World War, 1939-1945

6. The Last, Slow Steps to Freedom, 1945-1947

7. Partition and Freedom, 1947-1948

8. Prime Minister, 1948-1956

9. Final Years and Mounting Problems, 1956-1964

10. Nehru’s Legacy

Additional information

Dimensions 1 × 9 × 6 in