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Beginning with the dim prehistory of the mythical gods and their descendants, Heimskringla recounts the history of the kings of Norway through the reign of Olaf Haraldsson, who became Norway's patron saint. Once found in most homes and schools and still regarded as a national treasure, Heimskringla influenced the thinking and literary style of Scandinavia over several centuries.

Beginning with the dim prehistory of the mythical gods and their descendants, Heimskringla recounts the history of the kings of Norway through the reign of Olaf Haraldsson, who became Norway’s patron saint.

Snorri Sturluson was, without compare, the greatest historian of the Middle Ages. His translator, the late Lee M. Hollander, was a noted authority in the field of Old Norse literature.


    Snorri's Foreword

    The Saga of the Ynglings/Ynglinga saga

    The Saga of Hálfdan the Black/Hálfdanar saga Svarta

    The Saga of Harald Fairhair/Haralds saga Hárfagra

    The Saga of Hikon the Good/Hákonar saga Góða

    The Saga of Harald Graycloak/Haralds saga Gráfeldar

    The Saga of Óláf Tryggvason/Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar Saint Óláf's Saga/Óláfs saga Helga

    The Saga of Magnús the Good/Magnús saga ins Góða

    The Saga of Harald Sigurtharson (Hardruler)/Haralds saga Sigurðarsonar

    The Saga of Óláf the Gentle/Óláfs saga Kyrra

    The Saga of Magnús Barelegs/Magnúss saga Berfoetts

    The Saga of the Sons of Magnús/Magnússona saga

    The Saga of Magnús the Blind and Harald Gilli/Magnúss saga Blinda ok Harald Gilla

    The Saga of the Sons of Harald/Haraldssona saga

    The Saga of Hákon the Broadshouldered/Hákønar saga Herthibreiths

    The Saga of Magnús Erlingsson/Magnús saga Erlingssonar


    [Snorri Sturluson] speaks—as almost no other historian ever has spoken—with the authority of a man whose masterful skills would have made him one of the formidable, foremost in any of the events he records. So he saturates even remotely past happenings with a gripping first-hand quality…Hollander's translation is very good, fresh on every page …Wherever you open the book, the life grips you and you read on….
    Among the many contibutions to world literature that ancient Iceland has given us, Heimskringla stands out as one of the truly monumental works. Among medieval European histories in the vernacular it has no equal.

Additional information

Dimensions 2 × 6 × 9 in