Harmonic Materials in Tonal Music

Harmonic Materials in Tonal Music book cover

Harmonic Materials in Tonal Music


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Table of Contents:

Part I:

About the Authors

Preface to the Tenth Edition

Preface to the Fifth Edition

How to use this Text

An Important Perspective for the study of Harmony
1. Some Definitions.
2. The Structure of Tonality.
3. Triads in Root Position: Doubling and Spacing.
4. Triads in Root Position: Voice Leading.
5. Triads in First and Second Inversion.
6. Introduction to Seventh Chords and the Dominant Seventh.
7. Phrase Structure and Cadences.
8. Nonharmonic Tones.
9. Harmonic Progression.
10. The Technique of Harmonization.
Appendix A: Chord Symbols.
Appendix B: Piano Styles.
Appendix C: Glossary of Terms.
Appendix D: Orchestration Chart; Note/Octave, MIDI Charts
Bibliography for Further Study.
Index of Musical Examples.
Subject Index.

Provide students with a solid foundation in music theory and harmonic practice:

  • Chapter summaries provide succinct encapsulations of key concepts in each chapter and give students the opportunity to review them before moving on.
  • “An Important Perspective for the Study of Harmony” prefaces text and gives a solid explanation and rationale for the study of harmony, and gives students a useful overview of the subject.
  • Mastery frames, a glossary of terms, and a bibliography make the text completely self-instructional, freeing instructors to use their class time in more creative ways.
  • “Mastery Frames” evaluates students’ mastery of material and ability to move on to the next chapter

Give students an opportunity to learn through listen and practice:

  • New online assessment tool titled MyMusicTheoryKit which contains the following materials to reinforce the course material:  


    ·         All of the exercises in Harder/Steinke’s three books in a new, flash-card based program for student self-study

    ·         A basic introduction to concepts in Music Theory with self-assessment and drilling exercises

    ·         Streaming audio for the musical examples in these books

  • Compact Disc recordings of in-text musical examples bring the material to life, and allow students to develop their ear for tonal harmony.
  • Coverage of piano styles promotes creative work among students.

Created for introductory courses in basic music theory and harmonic practice, Part 1 of this self-paced, auto-instructional standalone text that comes in two volumes has become a “classic” in the field. Since the students work independently through the programmed format of the text, instructors can concentrate on the more creative aspects of their course. From the wealth of clearly laid-out lessons and exercises, students receive continual feedback and reinforcement as they work through the sequence at their own pace.

Note: A set of musical examples on compact discs is available with each of the volumes if you order the ISBN’s listed below, .

ISBN 0205691056 / 9780205691050 Harmonic Materials in Tonal Music: A Programmed Course, Part 1 with Audio CD *

Package consists of:

0205629717 / 9780205629718 Harmonic Materials in Tonal Music: A Programmed Course, Part 1

0205629725 / 9780205629725 Audio CD for Harmonic Materials in Tonal Music, Part 1

ISBN 020563818X / 9780205638185 Harmonic Materials in Tonal Music: A Programmed Course, Part 2 with CD *

Package consists of

020562975X / 9780205629756 Harmonic Materials in Tonal Music: A Programmed Course, Part 2

0205629768 / 9780205629763 CD for Harmonic Materials in Tonal Music, Part 2

For courses in Music Theory, Harmony, Comprehensive Musicianship, and Materials of Music.

Created for introductory courses in basic music theory and harmonic practice, this self-paced, auto-instructional text in two volumes has become a “classic” in the field. Since the students work independently through the programmed format of the text, instructors can concentrate on the more creative aspects of their course. From the wealth of clearly laid-out lessons and exercises, students receive continual feedback and reinforcement as they work through the sequence at their own pace. Also, a set of musical examples on compact discs accompanies the volumes, providing students with aural experience of tonal and harmonic material used in the text.

Changes to the new edition include:

  • New online assessment tool titled MyMusicKit.
  • Major changes made in many of the chapters by adding alternative analysis option to suggest a bridge between “traditional analysis” and chord identification systems used in pop, and jazz.
  • Refinements in language, vocabulary and definitions throughout the book.
  •  Changes and additions to some of the supplementary assignments which reflect the alternative analysis approach.
  • Greater emphasis to align Basic Tonal Music and Harmonic Material in Tonal Music, Parts I and II as a complete series for music theory courses.
  • Updated appendices
  • Changes/additions to the Instructor’s Manual


  • A print text
  • Free shipping

Additional information

Dimensions 1.15 × 8.50 × 10.80 in






music, harmony, higher education, humanities, Humanities and Social Sciences