Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology


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Hallmark features of this title

  • Guidelines for Family and Community Partnerships offer specific guidelines for involving families and organizations in children’s learning.
  • Teachers’ Casebook sections present students with realistic scenarios at the beginning of each cluster and ask, “What would you do?” Responses from veteran teachers appear at the end of each cluster.
  • Reaching Every Student sections present ideas for assessing, teaching and motivating all students in today’s inclusive classrooms.
  • Point/Counterpoint sections in each chapter present two perspectives on a controversial topic in the field of education.
  • Stop & Think activities give students firsthand experience with the concept being discussed.
  • Guidelines offer succinct and usable principles for teaching based on research.

New and updated features of this title

  • UPDATED: Diversity in today’s classrooms is examined with increased coverage in Chapters 1 through 6.
  • NEW: Put Yourself in Their Place portraits of students make diversity real and human for readers, helping them develop empathy for students in different educational situations.
  • UPDATED: Information is presented on the brain, neuroscience and implications for teaching.
  • UPDATED: Language development, emergent literacy, language diversity and bilingual education topics are included in Chapter 5.
  • UPDATED: Current teaching strategies on the effective application of learning principles as identified by the Institute for Educational Sciences are covered in greater detail.
  • UPDATED: Impacts of technology and virtual learning environments on the lives of students and teachers today are explored.
  1. Learning, Teaching, and Educational Psychology
  2. Cognitive Development
  3. The Self, Social, and Moral Development
  4. Learner Differences and Learning Needs
  5. Language Development, Language Diversity, and Immigrant Education
  6. Culture and Diversity
  7. Behavioral Views of Learning
  8. Cognitive Views of Learning
  9. Complex Cognitive Processes
  10. Constructivism and Designing Learning Environments
  11. Social Cognitive Views of Learning and Motivation
  12. Motivation in Learning and Teaching
  13. Managing Learning Environments
  14. Teaching Every Student
  15. Classroom Assessment, Grading, and Standardized Testing

For Introduction to Educational Psychology courses.

Forty four easy-to-read modules facilitate students’ learning and retention
In clear and jargon-free prose, Educational Psychology: Active Learning Edition, 14th Edition, explains and illustrates educational psychology’s practical relevance for teachers and learners. Theory and practice are considered together, showing how research on child development, learning, cognition, motivation, instruction, and assessment can be applied to solve the everyday problems of teaching. The 14th Edition offers a state-of-the-art presentation of the field of educational psychology, with new and expanded coverage of important topics like the brain, neuroscience, and teaching; the impact of technology and virtual learning environments on the lives of students and teachers; and diversity in today’s classrooms.
Also available with MyLab Education 
MyLab™ is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLab Education helps students bridge the gap between theory and practice — better preparing them for success in their future endeavors. Learn more about MyLab Education.

Forty four easy-to-read modules facilitate students’ learning and retention

In clear and jargon-free prose, Educational Psychology: Active Learning Edition, 14th Edition, explains and illustrates educational psychology’s practical relevance for teachers and learners. Theory and practice are considered together, showing how research on child development, learning, cognition, motivation, instruction, and assessment can be applied to solve the everyday problems of teaching. The 14th Edition offers a state-of-the-art presentation of the field of educational psychology, with new and expanded coverage of important topics like the brain, neuroscience, and teaching; the impact of technology and virtual learning environments on the lives of students and teachers; and diversity in today’s classrooms.
Also available with MyLab Education 
By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLab Education helps students bridge the gap between theory and practice – better preparing them for success in their future endeavors.

Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Education, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Education, search for:

9780135206065 / 0135206065 Educational Psychology: Active Learning Edition Plus MyLab Education with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 14/e
Package consists of:
  • 9780135206508 / 0135206502 Educational Psychology: Active Learning Edition, 14e
  • 9780135208496 / 0135208491 MyLab Education with Pearson eText — Access Card — Educational Psychology: Active Learning Edition, 14e


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About our author

Anita Woolfolk Hoy was born in Fort Worth, Texas, where her mother taught child development at TCU and her father was an early worker in the computer industry. She is a Texas Longhorn; all her degrees are from the University of Texas – Austin, the last one a PhD. After graduating, she was a psychologist working with children in elementary and secondary schools in 15 counties in central Texas. She began her career in higher education as a professor of educational psychology at Rutgers University, and then moved to The Ohio State University in 1994. Today she is Professor Emerita at Ohio State. Anita’s research focuses on motivation and cognition, specifically, students’ and teachers’ sense of efficacy and teachers’ beliefs about education. For many years she was the editor of Theory Into Practice, a journal that brings the best ideas from research to practicing educators. With students and colleagues, she has published over 150 books, book chapters and research articles.

Anita has served as Vice-President for Division K (Teaching and Teacher Education) of the American Educational Research Association and President of Division 15 (Educational Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. Before completing this 14th Edition of Educational Psychology, she collaborated with Nancy Perry, University of British Columbia, to write the 2nd Edition of Child Development (Pearson, 2015), a book for all those who work and love children.

Additional information

Dimensions 1.35 × 8.55 × 10.85 in







educational psychology, higher education, EDU046000, Vocational / Professional Studies, Teacher Education, Introduction to Educational Psychology