Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Secret Sharer, and Transformation

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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Secret Sharer, and Transformation


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From Longman’s Cultural Editions series, come three tales of transformation: Mary Shelley’s Transformation, Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Sharer. In these three nightmarish tales, an uncanny other turns out to be a second self, a sharer of intimate anxieties, repressed energies, dark impulses.

List of Illustrations

About Longman Cultural Editions

About this Edition

Table of Dates

Mary Shelley and Transformation

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 1797-1851



From “Introduction” to Frankenstein (1831)

Charles Darwin

From The Voyage of the Beagle: (1839): “Tierra del Fuego”

From The Descent of Man: (1871): “General Summary and Conclusion”

Robert Louis Stevenson and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Robert Louis Stevenson 1850-1894

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Keywords: Strange and Case

Poetry from A Child’s Garden of Verses

Young Night Thought

Windy Nights

Escape at Bedtime

The Land of Nod

A Good Boy

Shadow March

The Unseen Playmate

My Shadow

The Dumb Soldier

The Land of Story-Books

A Chapter of Dreams

Letters (with a reply from J. A. Symonds)

Robert Louis Stevenson and his friends on The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Max Nordau, from Degeneration (1895)

Joseph Conrad and The Secret Sharer

Joseph Conrad 1857-1924

The Secret Sharer

Joseph Conrad’s letters on The Secret Sharer

From “Author’s Notes” on “the basic fact of the tale” (‘Twixt Land and Sea 1920)

Joseph Conrad on the art of fiction from Henry James, An Appreciation

From “Author’s Note” (1920) to The Shadow Line

Further Reading and Viewing

Susan J. Wolfson is professor of English at Princeton University. In addition to this present volume, her editorial work includes Felicia Hemans (Princeton UP, 2000) and the Longman Cultural Edition of John Keats. With Claudia Johnson, she is coeditor of the Longman Cultural Edition of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. With Peter Manning, she is coeditor of the Romantics volume in The Longman Anthology of British Literature, and Selected Poems of Lord Byron (Penguin, 2005). Her critical books include the prize-winning Formal Charges: The Shaping of Poetry in British Romanticism (Stanford UP, 1997) and Borderlines: The Shiftings of Gender in British Romanticism (Stanford UP, 2007).

Barry V. Qualls is the author of The Secular Pilgrims: The Novel as Book of Life (Cambridge), and of articles and reviews on 19th-Century English Literature and on the Bible and its literary impact. His teaching interests focus on Victorian fiction and on biblical literatures. At Rutgers, he is Vice President of Undergraduate Education; earlier he served as Dean of Humanities for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and as Chair of the Department of English.

  • In these three semi-nightmarish tales, an uncanny other turns out to be a second self, a sharer of intimate anxieties, repressed energies, dark impulses. 
  • Illuminated by materials ranging from Shelley’s poetry, Darwin’s confrontation with strange aliens in South America, Stevenson’s writing on dreams, and Conrad’s writing on fiction, as well as reviews and critical reactions, this volume will fascinate students of psychology, fiction, and the darker precincts of nineteenth-century literary imagination.


  • A print text
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From Longman’s Cultural Editions series, edited by Susan Wolfson and Barry Qualls, come three tales of transformation: Mary Shelley’s Transformation, Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Sharer.


Handsomely produced and affordably priced, the Longman Cultural Editions series presents classic works in provocative and illuminating contexts-cultural, critical, and literary. Each Cultural Edition consists of the complete texts of these important literary works, reliably edited, headed inviting introductions, and supplemented by helpful annotations; a table of dates to track composition, publication, and public reception in relation to biographical, cultural and historical events; and a guide for further inquiry and study.


Robert Louis Stevenson, Susan J. Wolfson and Barry W. Qualls

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde / The Secret Sharer


A Longman Cultural Edition



Editors:  Susan J. Wolfson and Barry W. Qualls

General Series Editor:  Susan J. Wolfson


Affordably priced, Longman Cultural Editions present classic works in provocative and illuminating contexts–cultural, critical, and literary.  Each Longman Cultural Edition consists of the complete text of a key literary work, supplemented by helpful annotations and followed by contextual materials that reveal the conversations and controversies of its historical moment.


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Additional information

Dimensions 0.70 × 5.50 × 8.20 in





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Literature, english, higher education, Language Arts / Literacy, Introduction to Literature