CEO of Me

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CEO of Me


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You are the CEO of your life: you, and nobody else. You can establish the new rules that will help you achieve true balance between work and the rest of your life. And if you don’t do it, nobody else will. Now is the time to take control, and this is the book that will get you there. CEO of Me is like no other “work-life balance” book you’ve ever seen: there are no clichés here, and no one-size-fits all solutions. Instead, Drs. Ellen Kossek and Brenda Lautsch help you identify which of six worklife “patterns” you fit into and how to move towards a pattern that’s more productive and comfortable for you, one step at a time. As leaders of North America’s largest research projects on work/life balance, Kossek and Lautsch are singularly well-qualified to write this book. Drawing on their unparalleled research insights, they show how to identify the personal triggers that cause you the greatest stress…make the small changes that make the biggest difference…make technology work for you, not against you…redraw the lines between work and family as your life changes…master powerful strategies for managing yourself, your colleagues, and your supervisors…leverage emerging work options that are available to our generation for the first time. The authors’ radical new approach will transform the way you view both your work and your life and help you make the practical changes that lead to true fulfillment.

A radical new approach to balancing work and life, from some of the world’s leading work/life researchers!


  • No “one size fits all” solutions! Identify your “work/life pattern” and move towards the one that makes you the happiest and most fulfilled!
  • Learn how to make the most of work/life flexibility and make technology work for you, not against you!
  • For everyone struggling with work/life balance – both women and men!
  • A radical new approach to balancing work and life, from some of the world’s leading work/life researchers!


  • No “one size fits all” solutions! Identify your “work/life pattern” and move towards the one that makes you the happiest and most fulfilled!
  • Learn how to make the most of work/life flexibility and make technology work for you, not against you!
  • For everyone struggling with work/life balance – both women and men!
  • “All in all, however, anyone looking for an optimistic and constructive self-help book that offers insights into the relationship between work and life will find much of value in CEO of Me.” (HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, Winter 2008)

    &atext-align=left align=left>Preface xvii

    Chapter 1 Are You the CEO of Your Working Life? 1

    Do You Want to Change How You Are Balancing Work and Personal Life? 1

    You Are the CEO of Your Life Starting Today! 4

    To Make a Change, Begin Your Self-Reflective Journey by Conducting a “Life Bucket Analysis” 11

    Why Change Is Tough  14

    Chapter 2 Knowing Your Flexstyle 17

    Flexstyles: The Good and Bad Ways We Manage Relationships Between Work and Personal Life 17

    Types of Flexstyles  19

    What’s Your Flexstyle? Where Do You Fit In? 31

    Self-Assessment: Identifying Your Flexstyle 32

    Closing 34

    Chapter 3 Weighing the Tradeoffs 35

    Erin’s Story: Addicted to Work First  36

    Preparing for Change: Understanding the Tradeoffs of Different Flexstyles 37

    Creating a Life That Works 40

    Chapter 4 Tradeoffs of Using Flexibility or Higher Work-Life Integration 41

    Cynthia: Profile of a Reluctant Reactor 41

    Alyssa’s Story of a Fusion Lover 45

    Tradeoffs of Integrating Flexstyles 46

    Special Considerations for Reactors 48

    Self-Assessment Tools on Tradeoffs 49

    Chapter 5 Tradeoffs of Compartmentalizing Work and Personal Life 55

    Firsters: Making Your Priorities Clear Wherever You Are 55

    Family Firsters 56

    Work Firsters  59

    Captives 60

    For Separators: Weighing the Tradeoffs in Your Life 65

    Chapter 6 Tradeoffs of Volleying Between Work and Family 69

    Sarah’s Story: Striving to Protect “Quality Time” 70

    Quality Timers’ Tradeoffs and Strategies for Making Life Work  71

    Chapter 7 Changes Everyone Can Make to Improve Quality of Life 85

    Small Steps You Can Take to Begin to Gain Control  85

    Step 1: Self-Monitoring 87

    Step 2: Developing a Commitment to Change 90

    Step 3: Envisioning Alternatives 95

    Step 4: Creating the Right Context for Change 97

    Step 5: Experimentation 99

    Conclusion 100

    Chapter 8 Tailoring Change to Your Particular Flexstyle 103

    Gaining Control, Countering Tradeoffs,and Exploring Flexstyle Options 103

    Change Strategy 1: Gaining Control 104

    Change Strategy 2: Reducing the Disadvantages of Your Current Flexstyle 110

    Change Strategy 3: Exploring New Flexstyles 116

    Conclusion  125

    Chapter 9 Negotiating a New Flexstyle and a Life That Works on Your Terms 129

    Negotiation: Finding Your Voice 129

    The New Deal Larry Wants 131

    Preparation Negotiation Tactics  132

    Collaboration Tactics 140

    Final Thoughts  145

    Chapter 10 Not Going It Alone: Making Sustainable Change at Your Workplace 149

    Taking the Risk to Establish New Norms at Your Workplace  149

    Clean Up Your Own Backyard and Neighborhood  151

    Understand the Challenges of Those in Most Need 152

    Time for Change 157

    Dialogue to Change Attitudes and Culture 158

    Improve Work Processes  164

    Looking to the Future  168

    Appendix Flexstyle Web Site and Overview of Assessments 169

    Flexstyle Web Site  169

    Sample Qualitative Interview Questions 169

    Overview of Survey Instrument  171

    Notes  179

    ELLEN ERNST KOSSEK, professor at Michigan State University’s School of Labor & Industrial Relations (Ph.D. Yale), is a leading expert on research on improving relationships between work, family, and personal life in organizations, new ways of working related to flexibility (telecommuting, flextime, reduced-load work), management of talent and diversity in the global multicultural firm, and workplace innovation and change. She has published dozens of articles and a number of books on these topics. She was elected to the Board of Governors of the National Academy of Management, chair of the Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division, and fellow of American Psychological Association and Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology. Her research on work and personal life has been supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, the Gerber Foundation, and major corporations. She has taught managers in North America, Europe, and Asia. She is married with four children.

    BRENDA A. LAUTSCH, associate professor at Simon Fraser University in Canada, received her Ph.D. in industrial relations and human resources management from The MIT Sloan School of Management. Her research examines the equity and work-life implications of new ways of working, including contingent and flexible work forms. Her work appears in leading journals such as the Industrial and Labor Relations Review, the Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Industrial Relations. She is married with two delightful sons (Oscar age 4 and Kaspar age 7 months).

    You are the CEO of your life: you, and nobody else. You can establish the new rules that will help you achieve true balance between work and the rest of your life. And if you don’t do it, nobody else will. Now is the time to take control, and this is the book that will get you there. CEO of Me is like no other “work-life balance” book you’ve ever seen: there are no clichés here, and no one-size-fits all solutions. Instead, Drs. Ellen Kossek and Brenda Lautsch help you identify which of six worklife “patterns” you fit into and how to move towards a pattern that’s more productive and comfortable for you, one step at a time. As leaders of North America’s largest research projects on work/life balance, Kossek and Lautsch are singularly well-qualified to write this book. Drawing on their unparalleled research insights, they show how to identify the personal triggers that cause you the greatest stress…make the small changes that make the biggest difference…make technology work for you, not against you…redraw the lines between work and family as your life changes…master powerful strategies for managing yourself, your colleagues, and your supervisors…leverage emerging work options that are available to our generation for the first time. The authors’ radical new approach will transform the way you view both your work and your life and help you make the practical changes that lead to true fulfillment.

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    Dimensions 0.70 × 5.90 × 8.80 in







    higher education, Employability, IT Professional, ITP General, 3-32 FT PRESS