American Power after the Berlin Wall

American Power after the Berlin Wall


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American Power After The Berlin Wall traces the global projection of U.S. military power and political influence from the end of the Cold War to the present. Along with summarizing the Soviet Union’s disintegration, it narrates the ascendancy and reach of Washington’s global power in a string of conflicts from the Persian Gulf War to Panama, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and the Iraq War. The book vividly portrays U.S. policies of intervention, regime change, and even humanitarian assistance as responses to rogue states, civil strife, and militant Islam. It analyzes the transformation from Washington’s stability-first policies to its democracy promotion agenda in the Middle East, which threatens this crucial region with instability, necessitating a new grand strategy to confront terrorism and religiously motivated conflict. 
Thomas Henriksen is a Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and the U.S. Joint Special Operations University.  He is also a Trustee of the George C. Marshall Foundation. He specializes in U.S. foreign policy, defense issues, and counter-terrorism. He has written and lectured widely on international affairs, political change, and “rogue states.”  He has authored or edited twelve books or monographs and numerous articles.

“This informative review of post-Cold War foreign policies provides and stimulates thoughtful reflections on strategy and tactics for the future. Well written and rewarding”

–George P. Shultz
“Thomas Henriksen has written a remarkably comprehensive detailed and critical survey of America’s interventions across the globe since the fall of the Berlin Wall. This is an invaluable addition to the literature on American foreign policy and international relations more generally.”
–Timothy Garton Ash, Professor of European Studies, University of Oxford, Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution, Stanford University
“Thomas Henriksen has written a cogent account of the logic of American power after the Cold War, showing that there was greater continuity than many would suspect between policies in the 1990s and in the Bush administration.  It raises important questions about the uses of American power in the very different world we face today.”
–Francis Fukuyama author of America at the Crossroads