1421: The Year China Discovered The World
On 8 March 1421, the largest fleet the world had ever seen set sail from China. The ships, some nearly five hundred feet long, were under the command of Emperor…
1922 was a year of great turbulence and upheaval. Its events reverberated throughout the rest of the twentieth century and still affect us today, 100 years later.Empires fell. The Ottoman…
A Short History of Disease
This second edition contains an afterword on COVID-19, looking at the origins and nature of the virus, and how governments across the globe dealt with the most serious public health…
Applied History and Contemporary Policymaking
Robert Crowcroft has assembled a world-class, international cast of outstanding scholars and international figures to produce a stimulating collection of essays on applied history and policy making. With contributors such…
Atlas of Material Life
A comparative history of material life in western Europe and East Asia. Large-scale comparative economic history of westernmost and easternmost Eurasia provides insight into our global history. Atlas of…
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